金曜日, 11月 18, 2005

お遍路(志度)2005年 062

This was an interesting, if not a little unsettling, assemblage of the heads of local family shrine statues. A fascinating feature of rural Japan is that families have lived in the area, and maintained their family plot of land for dozens of generations. Since Shinto/Buddhist custom requires the cremation of the body after death, most families erect a statue/tombstone/small shrine on their plot of land to protect the ashes/spirit of the dearly departed. With this tradition continued for hundreds of years, some of the statues fall into disrepair and others have histories that have been lost over time. It's interesting to think about what different eras each of these recovered statuary heads had been recovered from.

お遍路(志度)2005年 026

  This is the 86th temple,
where todays Ohenro pilgrammage begins.

お遍路(志度)2005年 022



水曜日, 11月 02, 2005


The second peak: `earth stone mountain`
I thought the name of the 3rd peak was interesting. It was simply `male mountain,` and had a neighboring `female mountain` to accompany it. I'm not sure exactly how they determine the gender of mountains, but if you have any ideas feel free to let me know. (It doesn`t have anything to do with the mountain's shape resembling anatomical features I trust...)

日本2005年山の会1愛媛 052



Just continuing the previous entry~

This is a shot of the Zentsuji mountain climbing club that I've joined. There wasn't technically a path the follow, but we did find a pin-point trail from some previous travellers and followed that through the mountains. Since it was a several kilometer range that we covered, We managed to hit three distinct mountain peaks over the course of... 4:45am left Saita, 5:30am arrived in Zentsuji, 9:00 arrived in Kochi and started climbing (a road took us halfway up the first mountain) roughly noonish - hit the first peak and had lunch, 5:00 made it out to another parking spot on the other side of the range. 7:00 made it back to Zentsuji. :D